The Humber Music Hub is a partnership of schools, local authorities, community groups, music organisations, industry and more. Hull Music Service is the Hub Lead Organisation (HLO) .
The Humber Music Hub will deliver and support high quality music education for children and young people within the Humber region.
Central to the success of the Hub will be the partnership between the three main Delivery Partners; East Riding Schools Music Service, Hull Music Service and North Lincolnshire Music.
Nationally, the 43 new Hub Lead Organisations will share more than £76 million to coordinate music education in every local area through strategic partnerships.
In this first year, they will also receive an additional £25 million to invest in new musical instruments, equipment and technology, including instruments for children and young people with special education needs or disabilities.
This total investment of more than £101 million will help Hubs to deliver music lessons in schools and outside of schools. It will support them to run music ensembles, provide music training for teachers and more.