Music Education Hubs are groups of organisations – such as local authorities, music services, schools, arts organisations, community or voluntary organisations – working together to create joined-up music education provision, responding to local needs and fulfilling the objectives of the hub as set out in the National Plan for Music Education Music Education Hubs were established in 2012, in response to the government’s 2011 National Plan for Music Education (NPME), to provide access, opportunities and excellence in music education for all children and young people. Music Education Hubs have four core roles and three extension roles: Core roles: 1 – Ensure that every child aged five to 18 has the opportunity to learn a musical instrument (other than voice) through whole-class ensemble teaching programmes for ideally a year (but for a minimum of a term) of weekly tuition on the same instrument. 2 – Provide opportunities to play in ensembles and to perform from an early stage. 3 – Ensure that clear progression routes are available and affordable to all young people. 4 – Develop a singing strategy to ensure that every pupil is singing regularly and that choirs and other vocal ensembles are available in the area. Extension roles: 1 – Offer Continuous Professional Development (CPD) to school staff, particularly in supporting schools to deliver music in the curriculum. 2 – Provide an instrument loan service, with discounts or free provision for those on low incomes. 3 – Provide access to large scale and/or high quality music experiences for pupils, working with professional musicians and/or venues. This may include undertaking work to publicise the opportunities available to schools, parents/carers and students. Hull Music Hub has as its lead organisation Hull Music Service, which takes on responsibility for the funding and governance of the hub.

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